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Please Find Attached My Resume: The Right Way to Say It

We all want our resumes and cover letters to leave a positive impression. As a result, most resume-writers spend a great deal of time focused on their skills, experience, and other critical details that showcase their qualifications. The goal, after all, is to present yourself as the best candidate for the job. Unfortunately, far too many job-seekers fail to address the minor details. For example, how do you note that you’ve included an attached resume to your application?

Whether you’re submitting a written job application, applying online, or using email, an attached resume is usually something employers expect to see. However, you should still include a brief sentence that lets the hiring manager know that it’s been sent. It’s considered both polite and proper.

It’s also one of those seemingly minor details that can help you to appear professional. Here are some examples of the worst ways to announce an attached resume, as well as some of the best options.

Please Find Attached My Resume – The Worst Option

Sadly, there are a whole host of bad ways to say, “Attached Resume” in a cover letter or email. Some are just grammatically incorrect, while others are antiquated holdovers from a bygone era. The following examples should be avoided at all costs:

Please find attached my resume

While many job-seekers still rely on this old grammatical construction, it sounds foreign to modern ears.

Please find attached: my resume

This alternate construction tries to get around the formality of the first choice by adding a colon to the mix. Unfortunately, that change in punctuation does not really make it sound any less stilted.

Please find, attached, my resume

This option is grammatically correct, but the added commas make the sentence even worse. It lacks the clarity that a more direct statement of fact could provide.

Please find attached resume

Some resume writers even go so far as to remove the possessive from the sentence. As you can see, it’s not an improvement.

There are probably hundreds of other examples of poor sentence construction, but you get the idea. Many job-seekers are so attached to the words “please find attached” that they never bother to consider how it sounds. Our best advice: forget about using those words in that order. There are better ways to express that idea.

Attached Resume: The Best Options

The fact is that there are many ways to mention that you’ve sent your resume along with a job application or cover letter. The key is to avoid archaic grammar and odd punctuation. You should also consider the direct approach. After all, you’re not writing a poem or the Great American Novel. Since the idea is to convey your qualifications in a direct manner, you should strive for maximum clarity. The following examples can help you accomplish that goal:

That’s just a small sampling, of course. There are any number of alternatives that you could use to deliver that same message. The point is to avoid stilted, archaic sentence constructions that appear old-fashioned. Simplify your communication strategy, to ensure that your sentences are as clear and concise as possible. That can help you to avoid appearing outdated or unprofessional.

(You can also check out our post here on emailing a resume).

On the surface, concerns about how to mention your attached resume might seem minor. However, it’s small details such as this that often leave a lasting impression on potential employers. By taking the time to focus on these types of details, you can set yourself apart from the crowd. And that can help you to increase your chances of landing that dream job!



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