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Monkeypox is a rare disease that occurs primarily in remote parts of Central and West Africa. The monkeypox virus is transmitted to people from various wild animals but has limited secondary spread through human-to-human transmission. Smallpox was eradicated in 1980. However, monkeypox still occurs sporadically in some parts of Africa.

There are no specific treatments or vaccines available for monkeypox infection, but outbreaks can be controlled. Vaccination against smallpox has been proven to be 85% effective.

Below is a infographic representation of how spread the monkey pox infection is within the country. So far, it cuts across 11 states with 74 reported cases of infection. 

Recently, the WHO attributed its spread to the flooding in various parts of the country contributed to quick spread of monkey pox across the affected states.

In a statement made by the Delta State Coordinator of the World Health Organisation (WHO), he said, “Perennial flooding in Nigeria: Communicable diseases and looming antimicrobial resistance. Flooding is known to facilitate infectious disease transmission. It is no longer in doubt. Therefore, that will expose affected communities to outbreak of epidemics, zootomic and other epizootic effects such as cholera and of course we have had reported cases of cholera this year. Until proved otherwise, I think that flooding has a role in the sudden outbreak of monkey pox. This has been here before and it was never a problem but these things are now becoming dislodged from their normal habitat and moving towards us (humans). So, when flooding happens, this is what you see. For floods that last for seven days, expect waterborne diseases. Those lasting for one to four weeks, expect rodent-borne diseases. And the floods exceeding four weeks, you will have a combination of all.”


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