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The Nigerian Satire Festival is one of the avenues through which The Arts & Civics Table aims to pursue its objectives of “improving the quality of civic engagement between citizens and government”.

Satirical art has moved many societies to action on social-cultural and political matters. It is often a celebration of civil liberties and press freedom, and a means of portraying human behavioural deficiencies and resulting social issues in a manner that exposes the absurd or ridiculous through the use of sarcasm, irony, wit and humour.

The Nigerian Satire Festival 2017 is scheduled to hold on the United Nation’s International Day of Tolerance, November 16 & 17, at the ballroom of Sheraton, Ladi Kwali, Abuja. It would be the first of an annual event to promote satire as a tool for dialog and social commentary. Over the two days, participants – citizens and government – will dialog and highlight serious issues without offending sensibilities.

The theme for this year’s event is Satire: Society’s Mirror.

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