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The Impact Of Brand Ambassadors On SEO

To put it simply, brand ambassadors are people who go out of their way to spread information about your company through word of mouth, friendly advertising, and other casual formats in a way that plays off of the age-old saying, “People trust people, not companies.”

At the end of the day, all SEO can be boiled down to building trust. Granted, SEO agents typically try to build trust within a search engine, but the analogy is accurate enough. By hiring a brand ambassador to represent your company, you can gain the following benefits to your existing SEO strategies.

Improved Consumer Engagement

The more people engage with your content, the better the analytics and the higher the ranking on the search engines. When people share, mention, or otherwise interact with your content, that content climbs the ranks of most search engines like rungs on a ladder.

Whereas SEO agents typically excel at creating digital progress for marketing campaigns, they sometimes fall short of hitting interpersonal goals, missing out on events and otherwise letting opportunities slip through their fingertips. That’s because those less successful SEO agents are only creating and sharing content, not creating relationships with their followers.

Through the use of a brand ambassador, you can personalize your company and increase user engagement through a process of looking more human. This increased engagement then leads to increased views and interactions with content, which in turn boosts the value of your company’s links.

Increased Brand Recognition

A large part of SEO is brand recognition. Many SEO companies spend countless hours trying to improve brand recognition by recruiting writers and publishing additional content with the optimal keywords, internal links, external links, links here, links there, links everywhere! But what happens when that stops being cost-effective?

In those cases, brand ambassadors can be called upon to get your company out of the slump. One such practice involves contracting trade show models through an event staffing agency to staff various events around the city, state, country, or world, depending on the size and scope of your marketing campaign.

Through the use of indirect and direct sales tactics, these models can then use word of mouth and other strategies to drive more people to your existing content, increasing traffic to those links, and boosting their strength.

Increased Content Penetration

In the world of marketing, a brand’s penetration rate refers to the brand’s success in a given market. For example, if your firm were to have a 50% penetration rate in Florida, that would mean that 50% of consumers in Florida have purchased your goods or services.

The primary purpose of a brand ambassador is to live and breathe your brand. That means that they’ll be sharing your content, spreading your name around, and otherwise sending people your way. This can be done through any variety of ways, each of which with its own pros and cons.

However, many practices in use among brand ambassadors involved content distribution, which increases shareability, a key factor in converting a viewer to a client. The more people who see your product, the larger the pool of potential clients. The larger pool of clients, the higher your website ranks on most search engines.

Increased Link Generation

Even when standard link-building operations are still proving successful for SEO purposes, brand ambassadors can continue to improve rankings. One of the most common adages in the world of sales is thatpeople love to buy but hate being sold to. Brand ambassadors seek to personalize sales pitches in a way that enables them to sell without “selling to.”

Brand ambassadors can generate content that reads as more of a testimonial than a targeted advertisement, leading to increased shareability of the content. If you’ve ever seen a Facebook post that leads with “I’m a surgeon and my patients always ask me,” then chances are you’ve seen a brand ambassador in action.

Next time you come across one of those sponsored posts, check out how many shares, retweets, or reblogs it has. It should come as no surprise to hear that people prefer sharing interesting stories rather than sharing advertisements.

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