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Resuming back to work. A hit or a Miss?

It’s Resumption day after the Christmas and New Year festivities! Employees all over the world are so excited to be back to work!… lols. – “Girl, you better speak for yourself!”. I am certain that’s what I hear someone say to me as they read this, and I hear you Loud and clear sir!

This Holiday sure feels like a vacation ended too abruptly! and suddenly, you are back to work like nothing happened. No amount of Annual leave you squeezed into the month of January could take away that feeling. You almost wished you could resume work in February…..lols! See below the few tips to help you settle back to work quickly.

Tip 1

There is an immense value you possess that adds value to your organization.

As you have set personal goals for the year 2020, your organization also has set goals for the new year. As you resume, plan to add your quota to see the organizational goals come to life. Do your bit and do it well! Remember, you are part of the Big picture!

Tip 2

Your Boss Maybe that person you do not want to continue to work with this year, and it’s okay to feel that way.

The question is How emotionally intelligent, and savvy will you be this year? How improved competence will you be this year? How better will you be delegating this year? How about coaching and mentoring someone in your organization? How about having more engaging conversations with your Boss this year? Not a one-off, but consistent and engaging conversations. Have you thought of innovations to the work you do? What self- sponsored training will you be at this year? How about the internal training offered by your organization?

Tip 3

Leveraging on Your network and Seizing New Opportunities.

Adding value is good, being valued for the work you do sure feels better. If you are open to new opportunities in other organizations. Re-craft your cv, let your network be aware that you are open to new opportunities in other organizations. Leverage on your network. Listen and learn from these conversations as the conversations will give insights to you in many ways in your journey for a better job.

Tip 4

Love yourself more this year.

It could be a visit to the spa, having a mani-pedi, a vacation, a date, hanging out more with friends, visiting the dentist, having an eye check, scheduling your first quarter Annual Leave ahead and making feasible plans on how to spend the time.

I hope these few tips of mine have lightened up your heart as your resume to work! Have a great year!


Instagram: dekemiadore

About Omolara Omosehin Adeogo:

Lara holds a 9 year-plus work experience that spans across the Transit, Consulting, Telecoms and Market-Research sectors. She is a graduate of Chemistry Science from Lagos State University Nigeria and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management. Lara is a 2 time graduate of Immerse Academy and a WIMBIZ Mentee. She currently works as a project manager in a leading market research organization – Kantar TNS Nigeria. A lover of self-development and life-long learning. Lara loves to make meaningful contributions everywhere she goes. She is married with 2 boys.

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