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Have You Engaged Your Boss For 2020?

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Most employees have expectations that are hardly ever communicated with their superiors.

This silence is often as a result of doubts that the Boss might not take your conversation seriously, and even if he does, there will be no actions and ultimately no results. Then we also have the Bosses who are just unapproachable.

Last year, I engaged my Boss on my expectations for 2020. We both had an interesting discussion on different areas in line with the team and of course my role. There were areas we obviously had different opinions on. And that was fine. We just looked at a common ground and how the Department was going to benefit from it.

I would like to share a few tips, you will find them useful as you prepare to engage your Boss this new year 2020.

  1. Note down in a diary or jotter, all the areas you want to discuss.

This is so that you don’t forget any of the areas you would like to discuss when you eventually meet with your Boss. If your Boss is as busy as a bee, you know you will need to make good use of the time. So put your pen on paper. I had like 6 areas I wanted to cover. If I hadn’t written them down, it’s very possible to have forgotten an important area during our meeting. Your meeting though scheduled may actually happen impromptu, so when you have your points well noted. All you have to do is flip to the right page and you are good to go.

  1. Schedule A Meeting.

This can be done in person, via phone calls, via mail and followed up verbally to know the appropriate time that will work for you both.

  1. Be Flexible

It’s possible that your meeting may take some time to hold as scheduled due to many workplace reasons. Be flexible and consistent, don’t be discouraged. Keep your follow-up game on! It is also possible that it may not hold in the venue you planned it would. Keep your eye on your objectives.

  1. In this meeting, you don’t have to have all the answers, neither does your boss.

This meeting should be a conversation or at least a dialogue between you and your line head. Not a war zone. You don’ need to have answers to all your expectations, neither does your Boss. Note the action points and assign them in a jotter as the conversation unfolds. This meeting is not for the throwing of accusations but for sharing ideas that will benefit you and ultimately the business. You can share a minute of your meeting, so as to clarify action points and areas you have concluded on.

  1. How will the business benefit from your expectations

Have this in mind as you prepare to communicate your expectations. Remember, every organisation is alive to make a profit.

Written by: Omolara Omosehin Adeogo| E-mail: | Instagram: dekemiadore

About Omolara Omosehin Adeogo:

Lara holds a 9 year-plus work experience that spans across the Transit, Consulting, Telecoms and Market-Research sectors. She is a graduate of Chemistry Science from Lagos State University Nigeria and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management. Lara is a 2 time graduate of Immerse Academy and a WIMBIZ Mentee. She currently works as a project manager in a leading market research organization – Kantar TNS Nigeria. A lover of self-development and life-long learning. Lara loves to make meaningful contributions everywhere she goes. She is married with 2 boys.

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