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Virtual launch of the Power Woman online magazine

Power up your dreams with Power Woman E-Magazine.

Power Woman is a monthly digital magazine published by Joy Onyesoh®. It is personal development, business development and transformative leadership tool, focused on helping women own their truth and maximize their potentials.

The Magazine is packed with tips and expert advice on personal development, transformative leadership, business development, career success, and adjusting to the new normal.

It includes exclusive interviews with women who have empowered a generation of women and girls to believe in themselves and take action for their personal fulfilment.

The main target audience for Power Woman Magazine is career women, women leaders, professionals, and businesswomen.

We are excited to unveil the first edition of the magazine with guest contributors – Robin Miles; an executive coach and leadership development consultant (USA), Irene N. Ugbah; an educator, author and gender advocate (Nigeria), and May Elawar, PhD, from the Faculty of Transformative Inquiry Department at the California Institute of Integral Studies (USA).

The July 2020 edition, our first edition, explores how women can navigate the future, amidst the pandemic. It also includes an interview with Joy Onyesoh, PhD, the Founder and C.E.O., who takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery and finding her feet after experiencing the lowest moments of her life.

The magazine rounds off with a refreshing review on the book The Moulding of the Master’s Vessel: Our Journey with Brittle Bone Disease and the introduction of The Power Woman: Principles and Strategies for Increasing Your Influence, both written by Joy Onyesoh, PhD.


Power Woman focuses on helping women to know themselves and discover their own truths and voice. It particularly encourages women to be fearless in the face of adversity, unleashes the power within, creates transformations and increases their circles of influence.

The Launch is scheduled to take place as follows:

Date: 10th July 2020

Time: 7pm – 8pm (WAT)

Live streaming:

The Founder and C.E.O., Joy Onyesoh, PhD, is the first black and African President of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), a 105-year-old organization and the oldest international women’s peace Organisation in the world.

She is also a break-through and transformative leadership coach whose purpose is to inspire greatness in women. She does this through motivating women to unlock their potentials for growth, have a need to discover their purpose and thrive as a result of gaining clarity on ways of creating unlimited abundance.

She has dedicated over 20 years of her life equipping women across the world with skills and expertise in entrepreneurship, leadership and personal brand development.

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