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Efficient Moving Service SEKA Moving & 10 Secrets to Relocating

Efficient Moving Service SEKA Moving & 10 Secrets to Relocating

Efficient Moving Service SEKA Moving & 10 Secrets to Relocating

Don’t know how to organize your move? SEKA Moving helps many people move every day. And no wonder, because we know the ins and outs of a successful move. Experts usually share their secrets and make life more convenient, but we decided to make a moving guide and present all the picking tips from efficient moving services in one article.

9 Secrets of a Successful Move by SEKA Moving

Any move, much less an urgent move, requires a lot of effort and attention to detail. Take the usual packing in boxes – it would seem, what’s so complicated? Believe me, there is nothing worse in the process of moving than on the way to the car to drop the contents of the box right into a puddle. So we suggest avoiding mistakes beforehand and applying 15 effective tips and a few extra ideas to make moving easier.


1.    Plan the moving process.

It is always easier to proceed in several stages. First, it is better to move all the furniture: sofas, cabinets, tables, chairs, dressers. The second time you can transport appliances or boxes of clothes, books, dishes, household items, etc.


2.    Sorting things.

Collect items separately in each room: living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, hallway. Use markers of a certain color for the boxes of each area, so you’re sure not to get confused when unloading.


3.    Plan what to throw out and what to take away.

All of the things you bring into your new home should be working and needed. But usually, everyone has accumulated old electronics or appliances that you want to repair or sell if they are in working order.


Before you move, categorize all things into 3 groups:



This is probably the most important item of all.


4.    Measure in advance the rooms in your new apartment, the doorways, and the height of the ceilings.

All this is necessary to understand whether the large furniture will pass through. If you are counting on the elevator, also measure the distance of the opening.


5.    Sign all the boxes.

And not just “Kitchen” or “Clothes”, but in more detail: “Cutlery”, “Pans”, “Towels”, “Summer Shoes”, etc. Sign boxes with fragile items especially brightly and similarly describe the contents (“glass vase,” “sculpture,” “lamp,” etc.).


6.    Distribute things evenly in boxes, so that they do not suddenly collapse during transportation.

If the box gets wet, torn, or accidentally falls apart, it will be long and hard to pack.


7.    Pack all valuables and documents in a separate box or bag.

Most likely valuable items do not occupy much space, you can easily take them with you on the road in your hand luggage – this is the most reliable way. We recommend doing the same with your documents. Pack all important papers in a single folder and keep them with you so you don’t have to search for them among boxes when you need them.


8.    Pack a box of essentials.

After all the work is done, you’ll need slippers, a toothbrush, soap, towels, cosmetics, sleepwear, and linens that same evening – put them all in a separate bag. It is not superfluous to put in the same bag a pack of wet wipes, a bottle of water, and the most important thing in our time – the charger for your phone.


9.    Before you move, check to see if there are any unpaid bills from your old place.

This is especially true for the internet, cable TV, or the ancient, dinosaur-like remnants of home telephony. In order not to let the new owner of the apartment down and sleep well, check all the bills and cancel all the contracts.


All this is important to know, but still better not to do amateurism, and to hire a moving service that you can trust. Feel free to instruct the team SEKA Moving to load sofas and order a truck. It will not come out more expensive when compared to moving on your own.

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