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3rd Franchise Matchmaking Forum

If you desire to own your business, here is an opportunity to buy any of these proven and successful local and international franchises in Nigeria. We invite you to attend the 3rd Franchise Matchmaking Forum on Thursday, 29th November 2018.

Franchise Matchmaking Forum is a quarterly franchise investors forum, where CEOs of franchise brands (Franchisors) pitch their franchise opportunities to an audience of prospective franchise buyers (Prospective Franchisees). The event offers the opportunity where the franchisor finds qualified potential franchisees who meet his brand’s criteria, and the potential franchisee meets the franchisor with a suitable proposition for his investment interest. Fund providers and other partner organizations will be presenting their funding solutions and other support services during a coffee session.

Workshops and Sessions 
Workshops will be classified into different sessions according to the purpose of attendance. Franchisor or established business owners can register to attend any three of six workshops, while potential investor or franchise buyer can register to attend two workshops & access funds.  Additionally, there is an exclusive consultation session with international experts for franchisors. There’s no reason to miss this highly impactful event.

Date: 29th November 2018
Venue: Lagos Oriental Hotel
3 Lekki – Epe Expressway, Victoria Island, Lagos.
Time: 9 AM
Consultation/Workshop Participation Fee: Available on request

Exhibition is Free for Potential Investors and Franchisees

For further inquiries on participation, please call 08168132893 or email

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