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Share Your Updated CV

As an employee in pursuit of personal development, once you have acquired a new height or attained a depth of knowledge, either by earning certifications or degrees, You should ensure you share a copy of your certificate and an updated cv with your Human resource department.

Don’t assume that since the whole department is aware of your educational or developmental pursuit, it ultimately means you should be regarded for a prospective position internally.

Businesses don’t function on assumptions. As a result, you need to share your updated CV and a copy of your certificate with the Human resource department. Also, if you realize that you are eligible for a prospective role internally, express your intention to apply for it, then apply! You may need to inform your Boss or line head about your intention to apply for the internal opportunity and also your Human resource personnel about your intention.

Doing nothing with the assumption? that your management should have, could have, would have done and known things related to you or your role will most times leave you ill-positioned at the workplace.

As an employee, don’t leave the driver seat of your personal Career to management alone to drive. You need to own your growth and development at the workplace and start making things happen by taking steps intentionally, as opposed to the docile way of waiting for management to make it happen for you.

Go ahead, share your updated CV and certificate, go in pursuit of what you want at the workplace. The paintbrush of your Career path lies in your hands in a way.

Take the wheels and drive.

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Written by: Omolara Omosehin Adeogo


Instagram: dekemiadore

About Omolara Omosehin Adeogo:

Lara holds a 9 year-plus work experience that spans across the Transit, Consulting, Telecoms and Market-Research sectors. She is a graduate of Chemistry Science from Lagos State University Nigeria and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management. Lara is a 2 time graduate of Immerse Academy and a WIMBIZ Mentee. She currently works as a project manager in a leading market research organization – Kantar TNS Nigeria. A lover of self-development and life-long learning. Lara loves to make meaningful contributions everywhere she goes. She is married with 2 boys.

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