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Re: It Is When You Start Business That You Know How Dishonest Nigerians Are…The Fate Of Underpaid, Work-For-Long Hours Nigerians

Photo by Ivan Henao on Unsplash

I know we all have collective excesses as a culture… breeding children anyhow, spending to prove self-worth and impress people who don’t care and the likes.

But to be fair, can what the so-called business owners pay to hold waters for their employees….can they survive on that salary/wage scale themselves….minus wife and kids, don’t let mention school fees, light bills, feeding, transport etc…I’m just talking about meeting the basic human needs of food, clothing and shelter.

Have you as an employer factored all these before you expect a certain level of loyalty and commitment from your workers…the level of temptation to defraud will be higher because survival instinct will always kick in.

A notch higher, our government has to wake up to the responsibility of standardisation of realistic or near realistic bills/wages and salaries…Any private school that cannot pay so and so amount to a teacher you choose to employ should shut down…

You should employ adult house helps under government-approved agencies with a government-regulated stipend that is not dehumanizing to the soul…a human being washes your very soiled clothes plus your undies at times, scrubs the entire house in and out, run errands for you up and down, then you hand over 5k per month…He or She will clear out your house at the slightest opportunity…if not do worse…

Take measures that will make us proud to earn a day’s job without having to defraud or cheat anyone…Then you will know people will work and sweat for your business without cheating you once they know their expectations of survival is met at least three-quarter way or depending on the degree of individual avarice.

We all know the right and responsible thing to do…for if you are in that employee’s shoes, I am 95% sure you would do the same…

At the risk of contradicting myself… Defrauding other people for any reason is not the proper moral behaviour in a proper morally inclined society.

But then, we are a special breed, aren’t we, Nigerians?

Thank you.

Written by: Quiet Parrot

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