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Slots with Coins or with Money

The typical imagery that you think of when someone mentions a casino is a stereotypical film one. A 1900s themed casino with martinis and suits and dresses. You imagine the classic poker game and roulette table. When you imagine a slot machine, you picture someone putting coins into the machine.

This is unfortunately an outdated view. The chances of finding a slot machine with coins in today are very unlikely. Most slot machines including Easy Slots now take either cash or are done online through card payments. Which version is better?

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash


A case has to be made for slot machines with coins. Despite them now being pretty much extinct, they are the classics. They were the first version of slot machines. I have never used a slot machine with coins, but it sounds a lot more fun. Having a few coins in your pocket and going into the casino, inserting them and then playing. That sounds more exciting than typing out a long card number. I also believe that having a set number of coins probably improved gamers budgeting. They didn’t have any access to more money. They couldn’t just transfer money from their phone. They went with a set amount and left when they ran out.


Slots had to change and accept money. With the growth and development of the financial and technology industry, the change was inevitable. Casino slots in traditional casinos now accept cash money. If people have loose cash on them nowadays, it will be cash. The chances of finding someone with coins is slim. By moving to use cash, online slots became more accessible and available. With the introduction of online gaming, slots developed and adapted again. They now offer online payments and even pay by mobile phone options. This has made slots even more popular and accessible. Not only do gamers not have to leave the house to play slots, they only need their card details to play. This is an advantage however there is also a cause for concern in regard to budgeting. It is now a lot easier for gamers to breach their set budget

Coins vs cash

Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. With the elimination of coin slot machines, we are obligated to accept money slot machines. Coin slot machines were current and advantageous in the time period they were introduced. Similarly, to how money slot machines are relevant today. Slot machines with coins will go down in history as the classic and iconic machines that introduced the world to slot machines. Cash/ money slot machines have adapted perfectly and are staying current in the 21st century. The popularity and success of slots have always been and will continue to be high.

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