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Choosing The Right Washing Machine: A Guide For The Nigerian Consumer

Today, washing machine is a must-have in the house. The benefit of having one at home is immense for families in Nigeria. As vital as this is, it is equally very important to be sure that you acquire a washing machine that meets your specific laundry requirement.

Hope the following guide helps you to take the right decision in this regard.



What available space do you have in your house? This factor is key to deciding on the type of washing machine to acquire. So make sure you know what size machine you have room for. If you have limited space, a top-loader may be more viable.


The size of the drum usually varies between 5kg and 11kg. However, a 7kg normally suffices for most household laundry. If you like to wash few clothes regularly then a smaller drum may be sufficient. If you own plenty of clothes, then larger washes in bigger drums less frequently may be more efficient.

Water Efficiency

Top loaders are very great in minimizing use of water. This feature is especially important onsidering the poor water supply situation in Nigeria. Top loaders allow you to regulate the amount of water used for every set of laundry as water can be manually poured into the drum (just the quantity you need) and drained by turning the “drain selector” knob at the top that allows water to flow out through a hose connected to the back of the machine.

According to Waterwise, a machine that uses less than 7.5 litres of water per kg is considered efficient.

Power Efficiency

Consider buying an Energy Star-labeled washing machine. Using less electricity is both environmentally and financially friendly.

Manufacturers’ Warranty Offer

In Nigeria, you generally get a one-year warranty across board. An extended warranty might be considered for the complex and multiple-feature machines.

Additional Features

  1. You may like to consider settings according to the fibre of clothes, temperature and spin rate required depending on your need.
  2. An additional feature is the delay timer, especially good if you electricity bills aren’t so high (not so great for prepaid meters). You can use this feature to coincide the end of a wash with when you will be available to finish the laundry to reduce the time wet clothes are left in the drum.
  3. Combined washer dryers are useful if you want both.
  4. In addition to the timer that stops the spinning when the spin cycle is complete, some are fitted with safety locks. This feature prevents children from opening the lid during the spin cycle.

In closing, according to The Guardian, a good machine should do the basics well, while more complex ones have increased potential to go wrong and can be more expensive to fix.


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