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The Top 10 Challenges in the Market Research Industry

In the most recent edition of the GRIT report we continue to explore how the research industry views both Challenges and Opportunities, and so we employed numerous open-ended questions on the topic. To further develop and advance our knowledge, we used a combination of automated probing during the survey as well as text analytics during analysis to delve deeper into respondent answers.

The 3 biggest challenges researchers feel are facing the industry can be bucketed into these groups:


Client-side researchers place the most emphasis (40%) on getting actionable reports that relate directly to their business needs, followed closely by the management of data (37%) – specifically the marrying of Big Data and all of the information about their consumers into relevant business processes and systems.

Being able to successfully develop behavior models or provide a forecast for the business based on the data that is available (and cheaply procured) will prove to be the most fruitful for this group. Until then, they are relying on their suppliers to provide better forecasting and recommendations that speak clearly to them and their stakeholders. When done effectively, these researchers feel the research is;

“Connecting the dots – bringing together all of the insights we have to have clear, thorough, and actionable insights, which are brought to the stakeholders in a way that is easy for them to understand both the insight and what action should be taken by us.”

Conversely, suppliers are placing the greatest focus on technology (45%), not only as a means for embracing newer trends and to enhance differentiation, but also as a way to deal with the ever-shrinking timelines and budgets that impact the quality and delivery of their research.

They understand that there are great benefits when technology is used well, but there are also costs associated with its proliferation.

“The rapid change in technology. Everyone wants to be doing the new stuff yesterday and much of the new stuff becomes obsolete very quickly. Mobile devices have created both exciting positives and nasty negatives for the industry. The way we deliver findings to clients is becoming challenging too. Taking on or considering new software. Changing some of our processes.”

Top 10 themes in response to the question, “What do you feel is the biggest challenge facing market research?”

There was an immense amount of richness in these responses, so although in the preceding section we delivered a comprehensive summary of the overall responses, we also thought it would be instructive to dive deeper using advanced text analytics to explore some of these themes more fully. We found 10 themes that emerged.

  1. Methodology

56% of respondents mentioned the methodologies of market research as one of the biggest challenges they face.

  1. Clientele

29% of respondents mentioned that one of their biggest challenges is dealing with their customers and clients. This topic often co-occurred with other topics in this report, meaning that when respondents talked about clientele, they were often likely to talk about one or more of the other topics in this document.

  1. Outcomes

25% of respondents mentioned that poor market research outcomes are the biggest challenge in 2015.  The top themes in this category were:

  1. Technologies

22% of respondents mentioned that their biggest challenge is the new technologies used in market research.  The biggest issues relevant to technologies were:

  1. Differentiation

21% of respondents mentioned that the biggest challenge they face is trying to differentiate themselves from a sea of competitors.

  1. Quality

14% of respondents mentioned the quality of data, quality of respondents, and quality of insights as their biggest challenge to market research:

  1. Internal Talent

8% of respondents said that internal talent is one of the biggest issues or challenges to market research in 2015:

  1. Old and New Methods

6% of respondents mentioned the challenge of old methodologies in market research. It was discovered that there is a dichotomy of thought in the marketplace about “old methods”. Some believe that old methods are tried and true, and therefore are to be trusted, while others believe that it’s time to put aside the old methods and try more innovative techniques.

  1. Big Companies

4% of respondents mentioned issues related to big companies, with the largest proportion of these conversations about competing with big companies:

  1. Communication

3% of respondents mentioned that communication with real consumers is the biggest challenge to market research in 2015:


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