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Understand Clearly How your Boss prefers to receive information

I once had a Boss, let’s call her Boss A. She preferred information in a mail, even after you had communicated verbally. You had to give her updates via emails as well. With her, if it’s not written, it did not exist.

Another Boss, Boss B preferred you discussed information regarding work with her and only the important information worthy of note via mail. If you wanted her to look through any document, you had to speak with her first on the details, print the documents out hardcopy style for her perusal. That was what worked with her.


While for a Boss C, He was only interested in the summaries, and serious issues that you could not handle. With him, he only needed you to do your job and escalate when you notice things might likely go awry on a job.

With these 3 different Bosses A, B & C as a case in study, Boss A was the ‘mail Boss’. Boss B was the ‘relational and then mail’ type, while Boss C was the ‘get to the point, summarize, call me when you need me’ kind of boss.

Now imagine that I was printing Hardcopy documents to Boss A, the mail Boss. Or that I was sharing formal emails with Boss B, the relational Boss and that I was updating Boss C the ‘summarize it Boss’ on every detail of my work.

There sure would be a Hurricane Tsunami & Katrina at work!

There is a way your boss prefers to receive information and process them. Understand his style and work with it.

Your Boss could burst into the office on Monday morning asking you questions about Friday tasks and expects you to have answers to them, another boss will come in and settle down, then call you for a meeting on task updates. Your ability to understand how your boss prefers to receive information will put you ahead of other employees and away from worries. Understand and Master your Boss’ Communication Style. Understand what works with your Boss and align accordingly. That is Emotional intelligence.

Let’s discuss this, drop your comments below…

Written by: Omolara Omosehin Adeogo


Instagram: dekemiadore

About Omolara Omosehin Adeogo:

Lara holds a 9 year-plus work experience that spans across the Transit, Consulting, Telecoms and Market-Research sectors. She is a graduate of Chemistry Science from Lagos State University Nigeria and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management. Lara is a 2 time graduate of Immerse Academy and a WIMBIZ Mentee. She currently works as a project manager in a leading market research organization – Kantar TNS Nigeria. A lover of self-development and life-long learning. Lara loves to make meaningful contributions everywhere she goes. She is married with 2 boys.

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