There are fewer female than male STEM graduates in 107 of 114 economies


Fewer than 4 of every 10 STEM graduates are girls.

Female share of graduates from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) programmes, % tertiary (Most recent value 2015-2017).

In 107 of 114 economies, there are fewer female than male STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) graduates[i]. Among every 10 STEM graduates in South Korea, Chile, Burundi, Cambodia, and Burkina Faso, only less than 2 are girls. In this digital age, the demand for STEM graduates far exceeds its supply. This disparity in professional choices reflects a missed opportunity. Encouraging more girls into STEM can help fill the supply gap.

This indicator for a share of female STEM graduates, sourced from UNESCO Institute for Statistics, was recently included in the World Bank Gender Statistics database. To explore more gender relevant indicators, visit the recently launched Little Data Book on Gender 2019 and the Gender Data Portal.