Enabling Adultery.

Photo Illustration by Emil Lendof/The Daily Beast

He was already driving out when his wife rushed out of the house to the car. She threw what she was holding at her husband and said, “Please, if you must do it, use this!”. The husband looked at what his wife threw at him. It was a condom!

A woman has told me on this platform that adultery is not a deal-breaker for her. I couldn’t help but wonder why any woman would be comfortable sharing her husband with other women. Could she be possibly sharing herself with other men too?

Excuses have been made for cheating husbands and women are some of the greatest enablers of this.

“Men are polygamous by nature. They are wired to be chasers. A woman, no matter that she takes care of her body and tries to appear attractive to her husband, he will still cheat. It is in his nature!”.

When you attribute a phenomenon to nature, you are simply saying that God is the causative agent! No, that is the sin nature! And what did you expect of a man with a wife with that kind of a mindset?

Dear Christian professional husband, the onus is on you to prove to your woman that you are in a different class!

“Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral” Heb.13:4, NIV.

Written by: Sola Sorinolu, (Christian Educator, Writer, Speaker, and Columnist)

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