How Content Marketing Is Done: A Guide To Developing Content The Right Way

Marketing-Brand Spur Nigeria
How Content Marketing Is Done: A Guide To Developing Content The Right Way-Brand Spur Nigeria

Many businesses and individuals develop content for themselves or their clients without looking at the bigger picture of how this content ties back to a business goal or marketing objectives, how content can solve customer needs, and most literature on this subject matter doesn’t educate on how to develop a content strategy that merges high-level thinking with consumer needs.

Based on this gap in the literature to address the issue of content creation without a proper content strategy and high-level thinking, came the e-book by Lolade Ambimbola titled How content marketing is done.

How Content Marketing Is Done: A Guide To Developing Content The Right Way

The e-book educates on how to think in regards to how you define your target audience with the aid of customer research, how to create an actionable content marketing strategy and developing what content forms work well in line with the strategy outlined and how to leverage social media for content exposure.

The author shows in the literature that he has a good idea of what content strategy is and the process of content creation. He outlines his approach to content strategy using the 5 Ws and h(Why, Who, What, When, Where, How) to build a set of questions needed to be answered to build a content strategy and roadmap.

He laid emphasis on understanding your consumers, their content needs and where they visit to consume information about your products or services. Another part outlined that is crucial to strategy is identifying the business objectives you need to achieve with your content marketing efforts,. It is at the intersection of the customer needs and your objectives, comes the type of content you should be developing.

He went further to describe content creation as a “ (un) organized approach towards creating what people consume across different mediums (digital vs. non-digital mediums)”. What this shows is that in as much as content planning is important, there should be room for spontaneous creation in such as much it is not in conflict with the brand and the business objectives outlined.

Content Marketing -Brand Spur Nigeria
How Content Marketing Is Done: A Guide To Developing Content The Right Way-N3000

The book further describes the importance of having ideas when creating content. The idea is the lifeblood of content and the book buttress this point overlooked by brands and those who make content.

The book is a must-read for business owners interested in using content to sell what their brand is all about, students and marketing professionals and is written by Lolade Ambibola who is currently a freelance copywriter at and has worked on various content marketing and copywriting projects over the years.