How To Receive Cryptocurrencies With Your Twitter Account

How To Receive Cryptocurrencies With Your Twitter Account

At the end of 2021, Twitter announced that it was setting up a department in the company to focus on everything related to blockchain technology.

The section, which bears the name of Twitter Crypto, aims to design the company strategy in the sector of cryptocurrencies and NFT assets.

A few months earlier, Twitter began allowing users to send and receive tips in Bitcoin through their “Tip Jar”, a functionality that allows any tweeter to send a financial tip to another to “thank” them for the content they publish.

Just two weeks ago Twitter opened its fan and, in addition to Bitcoin, began to accept tips in Ethereum, the second cryptocurrency by market capitalization.

In this way, the social network allows its users place an icon on your profile that points to your cryptocurrency portfolio. This means that the user is open to receiving tips in this way. Twitter does not require any conditions to access this possibility, but it only has this function in the iOS and Android versions.

How to add your cryptocurrency portfolio on Twitter

Here are the steps to follow so you can receive tips in cryptocurrencies:

-“Tips”: Open your Twitter account in your iOS or Android version and enter your profile. Click on the “Edit profile” option and, once inside, go to the option that says “Tips” at the top of the screen.

-Ethereum and Bitcoin: When entering the “Tips” section, you must scroll to the bottom and read the Twitter tips policy. Then click on “I agree” to enter the next screen. This is when Twitter will allow you to mark Ethereum and/or Bitcoin as supported currencies to collect tips from your followers.

-Copy wallet address: Close your Twitter account and enter your Bitcoin or Ethereum wallet from your mobile. Copy the address of your wallet, be it one or another cryptocurrency. Then go back to Twitter and paste it in the section where it asks for the “Bitcoin Address” or “Ethereum Address”.

-“Allow tips”: Once your cryptocurrency portfolio is linked to the Twitter profile, you will only have to activate the “Allow tips” option… and wait for them to arrive.