Nigerian Fintech Raises $13 Million In Seed Funding

Nigerian Fintech Raises $13 Million In Seed Funding
Nigerian Fintech Raises $13 Million In Seed Funding

NowNow Digital Systems, a leading Nigerian FinTech start-up, is pleased to announce that it recently raised $13 million in seed funding. The funding round was supported by different investors with the intent to deepen financial inclusion in Nigeria and Africa with innovative digital banking solutions. 

Founded in 2018, NowNow Digital Systems Ltd is a leading African digital banking platform whose mission is to deliver best-in-class financial services to SMEs, agents, and consumers.  The innovative FinTech company is licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria to further drive financial inclusion for people from all socioeconomic classes. NowNow aims to eliminate the traditional banking experience by building an ecosystem that digitizes payments and creates access to financial services for businesses, governments, and customers in rural and urban communities using simplified branchless banking initiatives.

Please see the official release attached to this email, alongside images of the co-founders. Their names are

Sahir Berry (Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer)


Mahesh Nair (Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer).

We would be immensely grateful if you would publish the story on your platform because we know it is of high interest to your audience. Thank you.