3 Ways To Eat Healthily This Holiday Season

3 Ways To Eat Healthily This Holiday Season
3 Ways To Eat Healthily This Holiday Season

It already smells like Christmas, with the feverish end-of-year activities and bright red and white colors associated with the season everywhere you turn.

Christmas is a much-anticipated season around the world because it is often spent with family and loved ones. It elicits pleasant memories of family and friend gatherings, as well as anticipation of another such gathering.

It’s a magical moment that brings joy into our lives and an opportunity to take a break from our hectic schedules and enjoy ourselves. We should not ignore nutrition just because we are celebrating Christmas. Here are three healthy Christmas dinner options:

Cook your chicken and turkey in the oven.

Chicken and turkey are the most popular protein foods at Christmas. These protein sources are typically paired with a variety of carbohydrates, particularly rice. Baking chicken or turkey in the oven instead of deep frying it is one of the healthier ways to enjoy it this Christmas. Baking your chicken and turkey saves calories while also preserving flavor.

Include healthy beverages.

During the holidays, we pair our meals with beverages of our choice. Instead of fizzy drinks this holiday season, we should consider healthier alternatives like soy yogurt or soy milk. Soy milk and yogurt are both made from soy beans. Because soy beans are high in protein, we can still get our essential nutrients during the holiday season.

Portion management

The abundance of foods is one of the season’s defining characteristics. The key to staying healthy this season is to avoid mindless eating. Portion control is a healthy way to ensure that you are getting all of your nutrients without overeating. Furthermore, using the healthy eating plate allows you to focus on the quality of your diet.

We encourage you to eat healthily as we celebrate the many wonders of Christmas.